Brazil Iron Limited is a privately held iron ore exploration and mining company registered in the United Kingdom (registration number: 07941434). At Brazil Iron, we take people’s privacy very seriously, and because of this, any and all relationships between us that involve the processing of your personal data will always be guided by legality and security, ultimately preserving its informative self-determination.

With origins in the United Kingdom, Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada has been acting under the aegis of privacy protection legislation since May 2018, when the European GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, came into force. , and therefore, when the Brazilian LGPD, or General Law for the Protection of Personal Data, came into effect in September 2020, we were already ahead of the curve in preserving your privacy!

We assiduously defend the conscious and legitimate use of the personal data of our employees, visitors, partners and any other natural person with whom we have contact, and we do not use, under any circumstances, your personal data for direct commercial purposes, such as buying or selling. of databases.

Below you will have access to our Privacy Policy, which explains in a simplified way our processes for using personal data. But if you have any questions about the treatments carried out, do not be shy and get in touch with our Person in Charge for the Processing of Personal Data, by email


In cases where we contact you for purposes other than compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation, or even for the preparation or execution of a contract to which you are a party or intend to be a party, we will ALWAYS give you maximum autonomy to determine the exact time at which such treatment should be discontinued. Therefore, any and all communication carried out by Brazil Iron, which has a legal basis other than those listed above, will admit the full exercise of its right of opposition, either through a specific link at the end of the communication, in the case of e- mails, or through your express statement in the case of telephone contacts.

In any case, if you observe any type of processing of your personal data that you are opposed to, please contact our Person in Charge by email and notify him immediately, so that he can carry out the necessary corrections or, in cases where this is not possible, clarify the legal reasons for doing so.


Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada is a mining company with strictly B2B operations, that is, Business to Business, and does not have final consumers who are natural persons. For this reason, the overwhelming majority of the personal data processed in the company are of its own employees, collected during the recruitment and selection processes, and hiring. However, there are cases in which you can actively contact us, and in some cases, this contact may generate a registration depending on the reason for the contact.

We collect data, therefore, from employees in the entry processes, from website visitors through cookies (see cookie policy at the end) and from people who contact us through our official channels to deal with the requested questions.

Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada does not purchase or enrich databases.


Depending on your relationship with Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada, we will always treat your data in compliance with the need and adequacy in order to achieve the intended purpose within each operation.

This means that when you apply for a vacancy in a recruitment and selection process, we will collect the strictly necessary and appropriate data for conducting this process, such as your name, your contact details, your academic and professional history, resume, claim salary etc.

In cases where the collection of data takes place through a contact made by you, the information collected will be restricted to those necessary to carry out your service, as for example in the case of any public request made in our ombudsman.


As much as we take your privacy very seriously, it is not possible for any organization to guarantee the absolute invulnerability of its information systems. As a result, it reinforced hard and constantly to add more and more maturity to our information security processes and tools. In any case, not even this work is able to guarantee the non-occurrence of incidents, and, for this reason, we ask that if you observe any circumstance that may lead to believe the occurrence of a security incident in our systems, contact us immediately so that we can take all appropriate mitigation and remediation measures.


Your information will be kept in accordance with the processing operation that concerns them. This means that in some cases it will be stored within Brazil Iron’s servers, and in other cases it may be stored on third-party servers, such as clouds.

Regardless of the purpose of the treatment, we strictly and carefully choose the third parties with whom we share your personal data, so that everyone involved in the processing chain is able to, at least, indicate full compliance with Brazilian and European legislation. personal data protection (LGPD and GDPR).


Your personal data is inspired according to the purpose of its treatment. This means that we will only keep your data for the period necessary to achieve the proposed proposals, whether to execute a contract, comply with a legal obligation or even to preserve the rights of Brazil Iron itself.

In any case, regardless of the reason for which we store your data, you have the right to confirm the existence of this treatment, request access to this data and even request its corrections in cases of mistaken blocking or delay.

All of these rights and those listed below can be exercised by contacting our Person in Charge, at the email


The General Law for the Protection of Personal Data establishes a series of rights that can be exercised by the data subject, depending on the circumstances of their treatment. We list the main ones below. If you wish to exercise any of them, please contact our Person in Charge by e-mail, at which time we will respond promptly to your request or, in the event that it is not possible to respond, we will clarify the reasons in detail. therefore.

  • Every natural person is assured the ownership of their personal data and guaranteed the fundamental rights of freedom, privacy and privacy, under the terms of this Law.
  • The holder of the personal data has the right to obtain from the controller, in relation to the data of the holder processed by him, at any time and upon request:

I – Confirmation of the existence of treatment;
II – Access to data;
III – Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
IV – Anonymization, blocking or deletion of necessary, excessive or treated data in disagreement with the provisions of this Law;
V – Portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulation of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
VI – Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in the cases provided for in art. 16 of this Law;
VII – Information on public and private entities with which the controller carried out the shared use of data;
VIII – Information on the possibility of non-consent and on the consequences of refusal;
IX – Revocation of consent, pursuant to § 5 of art. 8 of this Law.